Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Smart Client Development Part III

In Part II I added presenter functionality to the ReadView User Control. Next I'll add a Presenter for the UpdateView

Adding the UpdatePresenter actually led to a decent refactoring. After adding UpdatePresenter I realized that I needed the ability to push changes in the UserData instance to the ReadView.

This meant changing the ViewFactory to a PresenterFactory. This change was required because the Presenter handles pushing changes to the view. Therefore, I needed to maintain a reference to the presenter and call Push before displaying a view. The refactored ViewFactory becomes this PresenterFactory.
public class PresenterFactory
public Hashtable presenterHash = new Hashtable();

public PresenterFactory(IPresenter[] presenters)
for (int i = 0; i < presenters.Length; i++)
this.presenterHash[presenters[i].View.GetType()] = presenters[i];

public IView Find(Type type)
IPresenter presenter = (IPresenter) presenterHash[type];
return presenter.View;

This lead to changing the EntryPoint to add IPresenters to the PresenterFactory.
public class EntryPoint
static void Main()
MainForm mainForm = new MainForm();
UserData userData = createUser();
new MainPresenter(mainForm, createPresenterFactory(userData));

private static UserData createUser()
UserData user = new UserData();
user.Name = "John Doe";
user.JobTitle = "Rockstar";
user.PhoneNumber = "212-555-1212";
return user;

private static PresenterFactory createPresenterFactory(UserData user)
return new PresenterFactory(getPresenters(user));

private static IPresenter[] getPresenters(UserData user)
return new IPresenter[] { getReadPresenter(user), getUpdatePresenter(user) };

private static IPresenter getReadPresenter(UserData user)
ReadView view = new ReadView();
return new ReadPresenter(view, user);

private static IPresenter getUpdatePresenter(UserData user)
UpdateView view = new UpdateView();
return new UpdatePresenter(view, user);

The IPresenter interface is used to get access to the View and to Push the model changes to the View before it is displayed.
public interface IPresenter
IView View { get; }
void Push();

After these changes you can add the UpdatePresenter.
public class UpdatePresenter : IPresenter

private void saveButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

The end result is an update view that saves changes....

when you click "Save."

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