Sunday, March 13, 2011

Random Thoughts on Good Programmers and Good Code

I've know some really, really smart guys who write code I hate. I love using their libraries, but I don't ever want to edit their source. To me, their source is too complicated. I used to think that they were smarter than I was and I benefited by having to write clearer code, as I couldn't easily digest their complicated code.

But, I've also run into code I've written that is complicated in it's own ways. I like to find the dark corners of languages and exploit them. To me, 8 different classes being configured 10 different ways and used in 3 different situations is something I can never get comfortable with. However, metaprogramming & macros don't scare me at all, and I often (over) embrace them.

And, to me, that's the heart of the issue. Each of us have a comfort level with different styles of development. I like to write as little as possible, and embrace "magic" that allows me to write less. Other people are more comfortable with more code, as long as it follows patterns that are easy to follow through the system. We could decide which is better for "average" programmers, but I don't think there's a "better" approach for good programmers who have tried both and stick with what they prefer; they know to play to their strengths.

This also helps explain why all code we haven't written "sucks" and all code we write is "awesome"

As an example, I think test names are worthless because I don't use them. Dan North loves test names and uses them to help him understand the responsibility of code. It's as simple as a different approach for digesting code, but the result is assigning a value to an artifact. I can write all I want about how test names are worthless, but it's not going to change the fact that they are helpful to Dan. He and I could (ignorantly) argue till the end of time about the value of test names, but the actual discussion is in how we digest code.

These days, the Java, Ruby, Clojure, Patterns, Metaprogramming, Static, Dynamic, etc discussions all feel this way to me. You're either an idiot who doesn't understand what you're arguing against, or you're talented enough that you found what makes you the most productive. Either way, your opinions don't necessarily apply to anyone else.

That said, I think there is value in presenting new ideas (or restating old ideas in new ways) as it can inspire people to reevaluate their assumptions. The ideas that tend to be most helpful for me are the ones presented as experience reports and discussions on the benefits of a particular solution. The ideas that are presented as an X vs Y smackdown always tend to make me wonder if someone is still searching for a silver bullet.


  1. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Well said. Preference, at least for me, changes a lot over time as well. If I look back on old code I've written, boy did I love class << self. Now, almost always definitions.

    I had a discussion at work today that reminded me of your point. Thankfully both I and the other developer believe in efficiency, execution, and at the end of the day, is it good enough/can you live with it?

    As long as you choose one of the good enoughs, and not "argue and make no progress for hours", you'll be fine.

  2. It is true, most developers tend to think all code they haven't written "sucks" and all code they write is "awesome". Code from others is hard to read and gives you the feeling that you will never understand or accomplish anything. Code is always easier to write than to read. And only the own code gives the programmer a feeling of world domination.


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